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The Relationship Between Diet and Fitness


There has never been a deeper reason to confirm that proper nutrition is important to a successful weight loss program and fitness management. Healthy lifestyle has always started with proper and good nutrition.


Good nutrition reduces our good cholesterol, improves the control our blood pressure, increases our stamina and over-all energy. There are many diet proposals that promises effective weight loss management and some of us have tried a few of them. There are diets that eliminates your intake of certain food products, others offer synthetic medications, specific juices and some suggests taking vitamins in mega doses. A number of people patronizing these diet fads have experienced sporadic weight loss and weight gain being ultimately discouraged in the process.


Sound nutrition practices, balanced diet and behavioural changes are important in any weight loss program and management. It is a life-long commitment. Learn como emagrecer rapido.


The standard for appropriate weight is the Body Mass Index where the category falls into Underweight = less than 18.5, Normal weight = 18.5-24.9, Overweight = 25-29.9 and Obese = BMI of 30 or greater.These categories predisposes you to risk factors for diseases and reversible or irreversible organ damage. You may gather more ideas about weight loss at


The essentials for a healthy body are to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, drink enough water, cut back on fats and be more physically active.


Proper nutrition with Q48 includes moderation, variation and balance. This means you eat in moderation, choosing variety of balanced food. Variation makes sure that you eat from the major food groups and not limit your food choice because no one food can supply the needed nutrient of the body. Balanced diet means that the food choices you make are equally distributed according to carbohydrates, fats and proteins.  You do not deprive yourself of food you like but instead limit the amount you take in. always eat in moderation because it is the key to a long term weight loss management.


In starting a weight loss program, here are a few tips that will help you.


Aim for certain a weight goal that is materialistic and achievable. The recommended reduction in body weight is 10% of your present weight in a span of 6 months and maintaining it for a year. Your safe weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week or 0.4-0.8 kilos. Avoid rapid weight loss because it can cause light headiness. Pay attention to your fat and sodium intake, try to read the labels of food products and limit your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day. Protein must be sourced from plants and lean meat products. Common words to look for when buying are round and loin for beef, loin or leg for pork and white meat for chicken. Add fiber to your diet around 20-35 gm per day. Drink enough water at least 8-10 glasses per day while some reading materials recommend 9-16 glasses per day.


Limit alcohol intake and stop smoking after each meal.


Your nutrition is only a portion of your weight loss management program. Although it is 65% of what you need to do to get in shape, being motivated and strict in your diet is essential in staying fit. Avoid those cravings.

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